“From the soul to others soul communication is called service, UPF have huge potential to serve the people inside the campus and outside, we keep service to the people by peace.”
- Guriji Shivathma -
a beautiful upf planet
Social Service
What one can realize about Universal Peace Foundation is a heaven for the starving illiterate children, differently abled unfortunate souls, uncared aged kith and kins and undignified destitute souls.Universal Peace Foundation nallagoundapalayam,coimbatore activites of homes are as follows
Destitite Children Home
Destitute Elder Home
Destitute Differntly Abled Home
After care Home
Swadhar Home
a beautiful upf planet
Educational Service
Students in and round villages numbering more than 100+ members are offered coaching in the evening within the ashram campus without any fees. Dresses and Free Computers are provided to the tribals of Thirumorthi Hills. Apart from that UPF provides basic needs like water facilities,cloths, medicines , groceries to the tribals according to their requriments.
Free Education tution center with library factities are arenged for the below poverty people and guiding them through UPF volunteers. UPF giving more importance to that tribals area people and suporting them for educational and other needs in a right manner.
a beautiful upf planet
Natural Service
UPF Planted more than 3000 trees inside the campus and also maintaining nurseries. More than 1,00000 Saplings have been provided. By maintaining social forestry system we created barrier free healthy enviroment and 12,000 saplings have been sent out to outside people.
a beautiful upf planet
Spirutal Service
UPF Promote Indian inner science of Yoga Meditation Pranayama Dhiyana Vipassana to all kind of people.
Classes by UPF helps to find inner peace which is taught by Guruji Shivathma on basis of course booking and appointments.
a beautiful upf planet
Medical Service
UPF Provides free hospital and Ambulance service to the needy people. Medical camp also conducted monthly twice inside the ashram people. Apart from that our medical team oftenly conducting free medical camp for our ashram nearby village people with free medicines and general checkup. UPF Medical team giving services in all other UPF branches in tamilnadu that includes more than 6 districts covered.
For Support & Contribution
Welcome to the beautiful UPF Planet. Your support and contribution always keeps us live, this is great thing to have you here to support us.
COIMBATORE – 641 659.